Saturday, June 19, 2010


Last weekend Gracie and I drove up to Rexburg, Idaho with my parents.  What a great trip! Grace was so excited to see her Aunt Hope:) She loves that girl. Grace played with her cute little cousins Stratton and Jesse the entire time. They played so well together. It was such an amazing weekend just for that reason alone.  There was no crying, whining, hittting, biting, etc...They just played, and played, and then played some more. Amazing that three four year olds can play that well together.  When we left Rexburg Grace bawled her little eyes out.  She was so sad to be leaving her cousins:( Poor thing. 

Okay, as I sit typing this Gracie is running around talking to herself and snatching tools out of Jake's shop to work on her dump truck.  As she is 'working' on her dump truck she keeps repeating "This jalopy is falling apart!" And, "you break it, you buy it!" Thank you Uncle Chad for buying Jake the first season of "Small Wonder".  Grace is now hooked:)

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