Monday, August 25, 2008

Monique...this is for you!

Okay, here goes nothing! I'm officially starting our family blog. Here is proof that peer pressure is real:) We just got back from San Diego, California yesterday. What a great time we had! We were able to spend the weekend with Monique, Tom, Jay, Joy(Marsh), Jeremy Shelby and my sister Erika, niece Ellery, ect... It was a fun filled trip full of great friends, family, and food.
We experienced wild animals, jet skiing, sore muscles, sunburnt bodies, amazing bbq chicken, strange flashing lights in the sky, temple guards, border control guards, bottomless steak fries, full stomachs, and car crashes. Very eventful trip. Jake slept from around 3:00 p.m. til 7:00 a.m. this morning. Gracie went to bed at 8:30 last night and woke up at 10:00 this morning. It is good to be home but only because we were sick of being in the car all night. Grace wanted to know if we were going back to the beach today. I guess the 3 lbs of sand she ate didn't quite fill her up. Which reminds me that I need to take her to the Dr. tomorrow and ask if I should be worried that my 2 1/2 year old likes to eat sand by the lb. I'll let you know!

1 comment:

Tommy and Monique Shelby said...

Oh MY GOSH!! I'm so excited!! I'm so glad that peer presure works!! Yeah! So funny...weird lights and temple guards :) We had fun with you guys! It was fun hanging out with you. We're still working on the plan you get you guys out here. Definitely by this time next year you guys will be our neighbors!!!