My baby started kindergarten. I almost cried. She, on the other hand, was just fine. When I gave her a hug before leaving, she grabbed Hudson (the baby I've been watching since April) and says, "It's ok Hudson. I'll be done really fast. You'll be ok. Sariah will watch you now." Apparently Grace has been the one babysitting, I've just been an innocent bystander. Good to know:) When I picked Grace up from kindergarten, she was all smiles. It was "the funnest thing in the whole wide world." Oh, and my personal favorite, "I had such a great time mom, I didn't even have time to think about you one bit." Sweet. I guess that is a good thing. According to Grace, Bryson cried for his mom two days in a row. She was perplexed that somebody would cry over such a simple thing as attending school. She has friends from church in her class, and a friend from last years preschool so she is doing great. One of her friends is a sweet little girl named Emmaline or Emmy. She and Grace are now bosom buddies. It will be interesting to see if Gracie's likes and dislikes change now that she will have a chance to play with girls. Right now she likes hotwheels, the color blue, mud, big trucks, police cars, firetrucks, playing 'cops n' robbers', and playing babies.
This week both Jake and I have been super clingy with Grace. Both of us wanting to hold her and snuggle any chance we get. Grace was up at 6:29 a.m. Tuesday morning to get ready for school. Jake was late for work because he was just holding her on his lap, kissing her head, and looking....dare I say, misty-eyed. The crazy thing about being emotional due to this change in our life, school is only two and a half hours! It is so short! I am not complaining, it just seems crazy.
On to other news--well there really isn't any other news. Grace is our life. We love our sweet, crazy, backtalkin', procrastinating, "I can do it myself-and better than you", monkey hugging, best snuggler, Pink Panther lovin, daughter. There you have it.