Why? Do you know that I hate that small word! It sounds so innocent. Before I had a child I thought it was cute when I would hear other youngsters ask this question. I love hearing Gracie tell stories. I love hearing Gracie telling me about her day. I love so much about Grace. I am not so fond of the never-ending questions though! "Why can't I blow bubbles in my milk?" "Why are the ants climbing up that little boy and biting him?" "Why did Will take his toy away from me?" "Why are you rolling your eyes at me?" "Why can't I eat cookies for breakfast?" "Why does Kenny drink so much beer? (the neighbor)" "Why is that car green?"
"Why are you smashing your head agaisnt the wall?" Or, what I am listening to now. "Sariah, can we go downstairs? Can we? Right now? Can we? I wanna go downstairs. Can WE? Downstairs would be fun. I wanna go down there." Breath. "How bout now?" That conversation takes place in about 2.4 seconds. My mind does not work that fast!
Thank goodness for water balloons. "What? I didn't hear you! Splat! Oh, you wanna know why I just threw that water balloon at you? Why? Why? Because I can."
The end.